Sonar Integration with MAVEN
1) Download the apache-maven-3.3.9 software
2) Download the sonarqube-7.4 software
3) Extract the above two softwares into a one folder
4) Set up a maven path in Environment system variable
5) Check the maven path setup or not
Goto Command Prompt -> mvn -version
6) Add the below properties in setting.xml file
Goto C:\Softwaes\apache-maven-3.2.1\conf\
1) Open setting.xml file uncomment the below property under "<pluginGroups>" tag
2) Add the below property under "<profiles>" tag
<!-- Optional URL to server. Default value is http://localhost:9000 -->
7) Run the sonarqube server
8) Create maven application or go to existing application
1) build the maven application
mvn clean install
2) mvn sonar:sonar
9) Access Sonar url "localhost:9000"
10) Get the report of project status under PROJECTS